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Package configuration and explanation

The createMiddleware function is the main entry point for the Next Easy Middlewares package. It allows you to create a middleware helper that can be used to define middleware functions for your Next.js application.


This is our basic construction which we will use to create a middleware helper.

const middlewares = {
  '/api': async ({ request }: MiddlewareFunctionProps) => {
    // middleware functions for /api route
const globalMiddlewares = {
  before: async () => {
    // global middleware function that will be executed before any route middleware
  after: async () => {
    // global middleware function that will be executed after any route middleware
export const middleware = createMiddleware(middlewares, globalMiddlewares);

Path middlewares construction (middlewares)

Type: Record<string, MiddlewareFunction | MiddlewareFunction[]>

This property contains a map of middleware functions that will be executed for specific routes. The key is the route path, and the value is the middleware function.

Let's break down the construction:


Type: string (middlewares object key)

In this library is used path-to-regexp package to match the middleware routes path in a same way as Next.js does in config's matcher prop.

const middlewares = {
  '/api': // middleware functions for /api route 

This library uses latest version of path-to-regexp due to DoS vulnerability in previous versions that Next.js uses. Please refer to path-to-regexp for current regex support information.

Middleware function

Type: MiddlewareFunction | MiddlewareFunction[]

This is a function that will be executed for the specific route. It can be a single function or an array of functions that will be executed in order.

const middlewares = {
  '/api': async ({ request }: MiddlewareFunctionProps) => {
    // middleware functions for /api route


Learn more about NEMO Functions

Global middlewares construction (globalMiddlewares)

Type: Record<"before" | "after", MiddlewareFunction | MiddlewareFunction[]>

This property contains global middleware functions that will be executed before and after any route middleware.


Type: MiddlewareFunction | MiddlewareFunction[]

This is a global middleware function(s) that will be executed before any route middleware.


Type: MiddlewareFunction | MiddlewareFunction[]

This is a global middleware function(s) that will be executed after any route middleware.

const globalMiddlewares = {
  // you can also define `after:` here
  before: async ({ request }: MiddlewareFunctionProps) => {
    // middleware functions for /api route

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